Choosing the option most applicable to you will get you the fastest response:

For general self-service: Visit the FAQ section in my shop.

To ask a question about a paid pattern: There’s a support team at Hooked on Sunshine, who offer support for nearly all of my paid patterns. Post in their Facebook group for a speedy response. To see which patterns are supported by HoS, visit the Projectarian section in their shop.

To ask a question about a different Projectarian pattern: Post in the Projectarian Facebook group to reach the community.

Where to find me: Instagram is my favorite social platform. If you’d like to interact with me personally, that’s where I spend most of my online time. Except when I’m recharging my introvert batteries, you can find me on IG every day, posting new content and interacting with followers. I read every single comment and reply to as many as humanly possible. I always reply to direct messages.

If you need help with your Etsy order: Message me directly on Etsy.

Email me directly for other important inquiries:

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