UPDATE: The Preface for the pattern is now available! CLICK HERE to read it. It will tell you everything you need to know for gathering supplies to make your dragon, including yarn quantities and help with choosing colours.

Welcome to my very first Crochet Along (CAL)! It's free!

Meet Orbit the baby dragon. She shakes you warmly by the hand with her squidgy little chubby pink paw! Orbit is pleased to meet you - you can tell by the way she puffs stars from her smiling snout!

Orbit the Dragon | FREE pattern by Projectarian

If you saw my previous post about Jupiter the Rabbit, you would know that I've recently teamed up with Ness and her amaaaaazing crew at Hooked on Sunshine, to bring you thee best amigurumi patterns over the next few months! Hooked on Sunshine is helping me to test and format my patterns, to deliver the top-est of top quality crochet tutorials to you! With HOS's help I'm upgrading and re-releasing all my old patterns, as well as some fancy new ones. Jupiter was the first, and now Orbit has arrived in all her cuteness to take you on a fun crochet-along-adventure!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a CAL?

CAL stands for crochet along. In a crochet along, the pattern gets released in sections, delivered to everyone who is participating, so you can all crochet along at the same time. Just like a cozy knitting circle, except with thousands of other people participating in the same project as you and sharing pictures of their dragon babies!

Orbit the Dragon | FREE pattern by Projectarian

I'm a beginner. Will I be able to make Orbit the Dragon?

Although Orbit is rated as an intermediate pattern, don't be scared to try it no matter what your skill level! The pattern has been thoroughly tested by the HOS team, to make sure it's concise and easy to follow. Along with eliminating any bugs, I've also added over 100 high quality photos to the pattern, to make it accessible to all skill levels. If you happen to get stuck, you can always ask me for help!

Orbit the Dragon | FREE pattern by Projectarian

Where do I get the pattern?

Orbit's CAL is being hosted at the Hooked on Sunshine website. All you have to do is sign up, and each section of the pattern will be delivered to you automatically via email when the CAL starts, so you'll start getting pieces of the pattern on 21 June.

The CAL will also be posted right here at Projectarian, at the same time!

Orbit the Dragon | FREE pattern by Projectarian

Why is it only starting in June?

Yes, it seems like a long wait but it gives you time to get your supplies together, like a hand dyed merino yarn kit that has all the gorgeous fiber you'll need for making your beautiful baby dragon! If you want to make Orbit just like the picture, you can order your own kit, but since the yarn is hand dyed, it takes a few weeks to prepare so get your order in now!

Orbit the Dragon | FREE pattern by Projectarian

What yarn can I use?

All the info you need for making Orbit will be released a few weeks before the CAL starts. That will tell you what supplies you need, including yarn types and quantities. If you want to skip ahead, simply purchase the scrumptious hand dyed kit and you're all set!

Orbit the Dragon | FREE pattern by Projectarian

Why should I join in?

Well, there are 3 reasons

Firstly, just look at those little footsies!

Orbit the Dragon | FREE pattern by Projectarian


Secondly, Orbit the Dragon is a very juicy, generous pattern that is also FREE! Besides for being a superfun project, making the most adorable cutie-pie for the special little someone in your life, this pattern is bound to teach you something new and useful to add to your crochet skill-set! If you use the recommended materials and assemble Orbit as directed, you'll have a very robust toy that'll last forever, will be baby safe, and you can even chuck it in the washing machine!

Orbit the Dragon | FREE pattern by Projectarian


And third, Orbit made it to the number one spot on Ravelry's daily Top 5 crochet patterns, and number 2 on the global Top 5 within 24 hours of posting it on Ravelry. Thousands of people have signed up for the CAL since it was announced 2 days ago. The masses have spoken, and they think this is a CAL worth joining!

Orbit the Dragon | FREE pattern by Projectarian


Which by the way, also makes this my most exciting pattern release ever!! Number one on Ravelry?!?! Whaaaaat?!?! This type of stuff NEVER happens to me. I've worked so hard for so long, and this is an awfully nice pat on the back.

Thank you to everyone who helped put my little Orbit on that list!

Orbit the Dragon | FREE pattern by Projectarian

What are you waiting for, go sign up NOW and join us on this adventure! 🙂




Orbit the Dragon | FREE pattern by Projectarian



  1. que lindo!!!! quero muito aprender a fazer para dar de presente para meus afilhados!!!

    1. I’m glad you like it Fabia 🙂

  2. Hi Jessie. Has the CAL been released yet? I’ve tried to sign up a few times but not sure if it works. Dying to get started on my Orbit the Dragon. Finishing up my second Jupiter the Rabbit now.

    1. Hi Nicola, sorry I missed your comment, it didn’t show up on my Dashboard for some reason! I’m glad you’re enjoying Jupiter! I’d love to see pics 😉
      Orbit’s pattern is now available!
      Click here for Part 1

  3. Hello, I’ve recently found this wonderful pattern and I’m having trouble with the horns… maybe because they’re small but I cannot seem to get them, any tips??

    1. HI Camelia! If you’re struggling with them because of their size, maybe try make them with thicker yarn and a bigger hook as a practice run?

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