Thank you so much for considering joining my virtual book tour!
My first book, Crocheting Reversible Amigurumi was published recently and as part of the launch, I’m organizing a book tour among crocheters on social media to promote the book and spread the fun of crocheting with fur yarn!

The book consists of patterns for crocheting amigurumi characters using furry yarns, complete with special tips and techniques for working with these challenging fibers. The characters are all reversible, meaning you can flip them inside out to reveal something different on the other side. Most of them can also be made as standalone plushies with stuffing inside instead of being reversible. If this sounds like a fun time, please read the following criteria and protocol for participation:
A free copy of my book will be dispatched to each participating member within the next two weeks or so. Application for your participation in the virtual tour closes on 11 June 2024. Please let me know via DM on Instagram if you’re in!
Once you’ve received your copy of the book, you’ll crochet at least one model from the book. You can choose any model/s you like. Here’s how they all look:

You’ll post content about the book on your social media, using the following guidelines:
Where to post:
-Use any social media platform/s of your choice.
I will repost your content on my platforms for cross-promotion of your account.
What to post:
-Publish 1 post when you receive your book, showing the book.
-Publish 1 post when your model is complete, showing off the model.
These 2 posts must be permanent feed-type posts (as opposed to disappearing story-type posts). They can be in any format such as photos, carousels, videos, reels, streams, combos, etc.
You’re welcome to post any additional content, such as works-in-progress. Extra posts are optional and totally up to you!
When to post:
-Any time before 30 August.
To keep scheduling easy, there are no set dates, just pick days that work for you!
Captions and tagging:
-In any posts pertaining to the book, write anything you like for the caption, then tag @Projectarian and include the hashtag #CrochetingReversibleAmigurumi in your caption.
You will need fur yarn or chenille yarn for the project, as well as regular yarn in weight 2, 3 or 4. You should be able to use just about any type of furry/textured yarn. The book will guide you through picking out materials. You can also download my conversion table as a general resource to help you choose yarns. Click here to get it. You’re welcome to experiment with different yarn weights if you’d like to.
For more info about the book, you can watch the trailer below. To see the Amazon listing, click here.
Thank you again! I’m super excited for the virtual book tour and I hope to hear from you soon! If you any have questions, feel free to DM me on social media or pop me an email at Hello@Projectarian.com.