Fur yarn is super scary, I totally agree with you! I avoided it for years myself because it was impossible to work with. But recently I’ve unlocked the secrets to making it easier and I’d like to share them with you! I can almost guarantee you’ll be able to crochet with fur after watching my video, but if you try my techniques and you still hate fur yarn, don’t worry because there are other great options for making your amigurumi look furry!
For the whole of 2022 I’m making all my designs fur themed; many of them will use fur yarn for crocheting with, but there will be some that use different techniques like latch hooking and needle felting. I’ll also be teaming up with top designers this year to bring you a series of various furry techniques to try and you won’t want to miss that, so it’d be a good idea to join my mailing list right now!

The purpose of this year’s theme is to help crocheters overcome their fur phobia and try something new, in ways that are not too intimidating for those who’ve had bad experiences with fur yarn or have never tried it. The projects throughout this year will have varying difficulty levels so there’s something for everybody, and I’ll also provide extra resources like videos to help you build confidence.
I have just posted this video on my YouTube channel to equip you with all my secret hacks so you’ll be fully prepared to wrangle the fluffy patterns as they come!
You can try my techniques right now by downloading my Shuttle the Shongololo pattern for free and making the furry version of him, as seen in the video thumbnail.

There are more fluffy friends coming out soon, including Neptune the Pineapple Crab. He’s a hermit crab who flips inside out to become a pineapple!!!

To stay in the furry loop, join my mailing list to be notified whenever I release a new project for you. You can also follow along on Instagram to see what’s coming up next and watch my design process. Find my current and upcoming furry projects under the following hashtags:
Thanks for stopping by! Let me know if you’re going to be joining in the fun this year ?